Toilets for Disabled People to Be Compulsory

Shopping centres sport and art venues will now be required by law to provide at least one changing place a government spokesperson has said.
These facilities will include hoists and changing benches / space for carers. Zack Kerr a long time campaigner said this was “nothing short of life changing”
In 2007 there were 140 spaces like this in the UK , in 2020 there are 1,400 but many more were needed to support nearly 2500,00 severely disabled people in the UK. Disabled people have spoken of restricting the intake of fluids so they don’t suffer discomfort embarrassment and the difficulties of accessing facilities that are inadequate for their needs. This is a major change for building rules in England. There is also a fund to install Changing Places into existing spaces amounting to around £30m. There has also been a fund to install more spaces into service stations across the country which will bring 87 of Englands 118 service stations into line.